It All Started with a Big Bang

It All Started with a Big Bang

If we want to ask the question, “Is there a god?” it would make sense to look for such a being in places where we might expect to find one. The beginning of the universe is one of those places. If there is a god, then it seems likely that he, she, or it, would probably have something to do with the beginning of all things. So, what does the evidence say?

Modern scientific evidence points towards the Big Bang as the beginning of the universe. All time, space, and matter came into existence with the Big Bang, and from that, everything that we see has come about. So, does it look like a god was involved or not?

The thing to focus on here is that the universe began to exist; in other words, it has not been around since infinity past. The only question we need to answer then is: “Do things begin to exist without a cause?” “Do horses, telephones, buildings, and planets just begin to exist for no reason?” If the answer is no, and things just don’t pop into existence all on their own, then we should probably ask, “Why did the Universe begin to exist?”

There is a whole argument for a god’s existence called the Kalam Cosmological Argument that gets into that question in detail. But, at its core, the issue is pretty simple. Whatever begins to exist has a cause. The Universe began to exist. Therefore, the Universe had a cause. And, when we look into the nature of that cause, it seems like a god of some sort is the most likely explanation.

*Image created by NASA/WMAP Science Team

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