Is Christianity Just a Social Club?

Is Christianity Just a Social Club?

Are Christians really living the way Jesus would have wanted?  Are we more concerned with knowing God and growing spiritually or feeling comfortable among a group of friends?  

Christianity is supposed to make people better humans.  But if we don’t look any different than anyone else, that means either Christianity is false and doesn’t work, or we’re doing something wrong.  So which is it?  

I think the existence of Christian hypocrites helps answer this question for us.  

The fact that so many people complain about hypocrites shows that people know Christianity should be more than it is.  Even people outside the Church know that we are not living like Jesus.  I take this seriously, because I think it is a valid criticism.  

Fake Christianity looks good on the outside (or at least puts on a good face), but it is bad on the inside.  Real Christianity looks messy, because people are actually dealing with their problems, which is not a neat and tidy process.  I think there are some questions those of us who claim Christianity need to ask ourselves.  

Are our lives more difficult as a result of being Christians?  

If we are growing spiritually and becoming better people, then they should be.  Facing our faults and addressing our weaknesses is not for the lazy or fearful.  It is difficult and painful.  Difficulty is to be expected.  

However, if our lives are more difficult because we have started being obnoxious and judgy to everyone around us, then I’m afraid we have Christianity wrong.  Christianity is not a weapon - it is meant to heal not to hurt.  

When we go to church, what occupies our thoughts?  

Do we think about who we’re going to see/talk to, or do we think about our relationship with God?  Do we think about the difficulties of our lives or do we think about what purpose our lives might have?   A person who only goes to church on Christmas and Easter but has a correct focus is doing church better than someone who goes every time the doors are open but whose heart is wrong.  

I think we need to ask ourselves a serious question: Is Christianity true?  Are the things we claim to believe real?  If Christianity is false, then what’s the point of hanging out with other people who willingly believe a lie?  If it is true, then why don’t we act like it?  

Why Doesn't God Do Something about Evil?

Why Doesn't God Do Something about Evil?

The Gospels: Nothing but Hype?

The Gospels: Nothing but Hype?